8 minute read

Vulkan snchronization validation has reached version 1.0 as reported by LunarG on January 13th, 2021. They published an official documentation of it, titled “Guide to Vulkan Synchronization Validation”. This article contains the key items of if (sort of a “TL;DR” which might be useful for those are already somewhat familiar with Vulkan synchronization) as well as a quickstart guide how to enable it.

If you are not yet familiar with synchronization, here are two recommendations:

Here’s a list of potential sources for common synchronization mistakes, which are also hinted from LunarG’s Guide to Vulkan Synchronization Validation:

  • Memory access always has to be specified explicitly, except with Semaphore signal/wait operations
  • For implicit subpass dependencies, still proper memory barriers are required.
  • Stage/access pairs must match according to Table 4 under 7.1.3. Access Types in the Vulkan Specification
  • Image layout transitions are read and write operations and therefore, require memory dependencies
  • All stage/access scopes must be specified where an operation could load/store data – i.e. “color” and “depth/stencil” are different stages within a graphics pipeline. Stage/access combinations must be specified precisely according to an application’s requirements.

Key Items from LunarG’s Documentation

In the following, I’ll list the key items from LunarG’s Guide to Vulkan Synchronization Validation, i.e. it shall serve as a TL;DR-version of the document:

General Information

Operations are executed in a massively parallel manner on modern GPUs. Whenever the same region of memory is used by subsequent operations on a GPU in different ways some kind of synchronization must be established to guarantee correct behavior of an application, or – even more importantly – to prevent undefined results/behavior.

Synchronization Validation can not only be used to find problems, but also to optimize the performance of an application by reducing the “heaviness” of an existing barrier step by step until a synchronization Validation error occurs (and then go back one step).

Currently, synchronization Validation will report hazards only within the same command buffer. It looks like it currently does not work across different command buffers or across different queues.

Validation Messages

The messages reported from validation synchronization follow a specific naming scheme which should be an efficient representation of the problem reported. All messages start with the pattern SYNC-<hazard name>. In addition to such a SYNC- prefix-pattern, one can find SYNC_ (now with an underscore) patterns within error descriptions which report about the previously known usage of a problematic resource. They are printed according to the pattern SYNC_<stage>_<access-type>, where both <stage> and <access-type> refer to only the relevant part of a stage or access enum-value:

  • <stage> refers to the VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_<stage>_BIT part (e.g. the COLOR_ATTACHMENT_OUTPUT part of the total VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_OUTPUT_BIT)
  • <access-type> refers to the VK_ACCESS_<access-type>_BIT part (e.g. the COLOR_ATTACHMENT_WRITE part of the total VK_ACCESS_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_WRITE_BIT)

Approach For Fixing Validation Errors

It is advised to first:

  • solve all errors from Standard Validation and
  • solve all errors from Thread Safety.

I.e., this would refer to enabling all features of Core, Handle Wrapping, Object Lifetime, Stateless Parameter, and Thread Safety in vkconfig; and disabling all other features. Resolve all errors reported from that configuration before proceeding!
After that is done, enable Synchronization Validation and disable other features: I.e. only leave Thread Safety enabled, enable Synchronization in addition, and disable all other features (i.e. disable all features of Core, Handle Wrapping, Object Lifetime, and Stateless Parameter).

To tackle down specific Synchronization Validation errors, it is recommended to add additional heavy barriers, that means:

  • Access masks VK_ACCESS_MEMORY_READ_BIT | VK_ACCESS_MEMORY_WRITE_BIT for both synchronization scopes.

More Details

There are different types of hazards (where W means writing to the same region of memory, and R means reading from the same region of memory):

  • W -> R” a.k.a. “RAW” a.k.a. “read after write”: Problem = R proceeds without waiting for the results of W, potentially reading old data.
  • R -> W” a.k.a. “WAR” a.k.a. “write after read”: Problem = During R, W overwrites data. (Only for this type of hazard, execution dependencies only are sufficient. All other types of hazards require memory dependencies in addition.)
  • W -> W” a.k.a. “WAW” a.k.a. “write after write”: TODO: examples?
  • W || W” a.k.a. “WRW” a.k.a. “write racing write”: Problem = W and another W write in parallel. It is unclear which one “wins”.
  • R || R” a.k.a. “RRW” a.k.a. “read racing write”: Problem = R and W operate in parallel. It is unclear if R reads the data before or after the W.

LunarG’s Guide to Vulkan Synchronization Validation describes how Synchronization Validation internally recognizes hazards by keeping track of the “most recent access” which is relevant for a certain access to a given memory or image subresource range. They describe it in detail and with several examples in the section Most Recent Access.

Furthermore, the document describes some common mistakes and pitfalls and explains what’s wrong about them. This is in line with the information given in the synchronization resources listed/recommended in the beginning of this blog post. Please refer to the section Root Causing Hazards. It is a good read, but the information is given in a somewhat denser manner than in the resources listed above.
